- Why are we not afraid of it? 我们为什么不怕?
- Are we not afraid of being denounced? 我们不怕人家公开指责吗?
- Are we not afraid of being denounced as "non-resisters"? 不怕人家骂“不抵抗”吗?
- The dog is so gentle that I am not afraid of it. 这只狗如此温顺,因此我不感到害怕。
- Some will say, if these principles are true, why are we not demonstrating them? 有些人会说了,如果真是这样的话,为什么不能证明出来呢?
- And when He entered into the house, His disciples questioned Him privately, Why were we not able to cast it out? 耶稣进了屋子,门徒暗暗地问他说,我们为什么不能赶出它去?
- We love peace but we are not afraid of war. 我们热爱和平,但我们也不怕战争。
- Will it even be something that you remember in five years time? Why are we afraid of public speaking anyway? 五年后它还会成为你难以忘记的事情?公众演讲到底有什么恐惧的呢?
- We love peace ,but we are not afraid of war . 我们热爱和平,但我们不害怕战争。
- We oppose war,but we are not afraid of war. 我们反对战争,但并不害怕战争。
- Then the disciples, coming to Jesus privately, said, Why were we not able to cast it out? 那时,门徒暗暗地到耶稣跟前来,说,我们为什么不能赶出那鬼?
- We are not afraid of any difficulty. 我们不怕任何困难。
- Have we not all one Father? Has not one God created us? Why are we treacherous, each one to his brother, thus profaning the covenant of our fathers? 10我们岂不都有一位父么?岂不是一位神所造的么?我们各人怎么以诡诈待弟兄,渎犯了神与我们列祖所立的约呢?
- I'm not afraid of it, because I work hard, and what's more, many friends will help me. 这一点我并不害怕,因为我工作很努力,更何况许多朋友会帮我。
- We love peace , but we are not afraid of war . 我们热爱和平,但我们不害怕战争。
- We oppose war, but we are not afraid of war. 我们反对战争,但并不害怕战争。
- Why are we afraid that horror still likes horror? 我们为什么怕恐怖还喜欢恐怖?
- It is true the poor peasants are not afraid of losing anything. 的确,贫农们不怕失掉什么。
- We are not afraid of the future because of a bomb. 但我怀疑,核武器不过是我们害怕的替罪羊。
- Have we not all one father? has not one God made us? why are we, every one of us, acting falsely to his brother, putting shame on the agreement of our fathers? 我们岂不都是一位父麽.岂不是一位神所造的麽.我们各人怎麽以诡诈待弟兄、背弃了神与我们列祖所立的约呢。